Latin America – A paradise for men – Dating foreign women in Latin America

First, the ratios of women to men favor men in Latin America; There are plenty of facts and statistics to back up this claim, but a simple way to prove this is true is to simply take a trip and look around. If you want complete facts and figures, you can find them in the groundbreaking book titled “The Global Dating Revolution.”

The point is that, in many Latin American countries, you will find that there are many more women than men. This means that local women have to fight for fewer men and in many cases these women need to really work on their personality, physical appearance and charisma just to win over the men in their environment.

Ironically, in the US (and similar countries like Canada and Australia) it’s the men who have to work overtime to win over the ladies. Many men in the US are studying “game”, working on their “social skills”, building their bodies in gyms, working hard to earn more money to impress the ladies, only to beat stiff competition. Not surprisingly, with more men than women in most areas of the US, it’s the complete opposite of what happens in Latin America, where ladies need to push harder to impress the opposite sex.

The second reason, and one that few people are aware of, is what I like to call the youth factor. Very few people know that Latin America is the second youngest region in the world. Yes, that’s right, Latin America is right behind Africa for having the youngest populations on Earth! In fact, the median age in most Latin American countries is around 21 (Honduras), 23 (Ecuador), 24 (Bolivia), 25 (Peru), 27 (Colombia), up to 30 (Brazil), and the rest are in their 20s. This means that, in general, there is a younger and more vibrant population in all of Latin America. This is a town full of caring, young, single women who would be a perfect match for you or me.

I think we can all agree that youth is a very important factor that contributes to a woman’s attractiveness. So being in a region with a younger population would give you access to dating more women in their 20s and 30s, whereas dating in your local environment, where the average age is around 40, would most likely date women in their 30s and 30s. 40’s

Now let’s take a look at some other facts. According to the median age (wikipedia or Google it) of the US (36 years), Japan (oldest median age on Earth: 42 years), Western and Eastern Europe (oldest continent on Earth, with ages mid-late 30’s to early 40’s, especially in Italy!), you’ll find more older women in the US and Europe than in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia.

Sounds too good to be true, right? But it is true! And you can ask any guy who has traveled to Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Ecuador or any other country in Latin America and see what he tells you! I’ve been there myself, and I can assure you that attractive young women are a dime a dozen in most Latin American countries. And with a population larger than the US (Latin America population approx. 540 million – 2008 while the US is approx. 330 million – 2008) this means there are tens of millions more young women in Latin America. than in the US

Now consider this. In Latin America you have a ratio of women to men that is in your favor, and you also have a higher ratio of younger women to older women. But I’m forgetting something here… I’m forgetting something that will make young women attractive in Latin America vs. attractive young women in usa a complete defeat!

Yes, something else I forgot to mention! One thing I forgot to mention is the obesity epidemic. The obesity epidemic is a health crisis that is wreaking havoc on populations in the United States, as well as other wealthy nations like Canada and Australia.

Unfortunately, this obesity epidemic puts the nail in the coffin as to why Latin America is a paradise for men. With obesity rates in the US rising to record levels (25% obesity rate in the US national; 60% overweight rate in the US national), while in Latin America obesity does not exist.

This means that many of the young women in the US have lost their feminine curves due to obesity. This trend leaves far fewer slim, curvy women for most men to pursue.

As a result, for every curvy (in great shape) slim young woman in the US (say, early 20s), there are probably 10-15 in Latin America!

With these facts, it comes as no surprise that Latin America is the best place in the world (along with Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe) for a man who enjoys living in a city, a region, and a country where beautiful young women are everywhere. .

This not only makes it wonderful for all men who want to meet lots of beautiful women every day, but also creates an atmosphere where women have to work harder than men for a change. Especially if you are a foreign man! — beyond the scope of today’s article!

Long live the world dating revolution!


give of the cross

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