Professional SEO and link building after Google Penguin update

Google frequently changes its search algorithm and penalizes duplicate content, reduces spam, and eliminates poor link building techniques with irrelevant links, all to give your website a better ranking in Google searches.

If you don’t follow the latest SEO news and updates from Google like “Penguin”, you may lose your website position in search engines like Google. The idea behind the creation of the Google Penguin algorithm is reflected in rewarding sites with unique content. For optimal performance that does NOT rely on the positioning and techniques of a spam website, professional seo services For spam-free SEO link building, SEO tricks and methods are constantly used to comply and follow Google’s rules.

SEO techniques to build links after a Penguin algorithm update and still maintain a positive effect on website search rankings are part of the old Google SEO rules:

Submission of articles– Submitting articles is a good way of marketing and creating links to your website. Now, submitting articles is an increasingly rare way to relink as many article directories have been found by Google and defined as spam. We still have some good article directories where you can post your written articles, and one of these good article directories is exactly this one where you are reading my article. Still, the same rule applies as before, write good articles, build a good, unique article.

Back to forum profile links– Forums are great places where you can link. In most forums, we have a text field, a field that is below your profile, and the inline signature of the current profile. This is a good place where you can write a short text and set up the back link that points to your website.

blog comments– You can leave comments on blogs and you can expose your personal opinion. Because of that, some blog visitors can learn more about your “SEO servicesIn addition to the attitudes and opinions that can be placed on the blogs, you can establish the links to your website that further direct blog visitors to your website. You need to find blogs that have an appropriate theme for your niche and you should verify that blogs have follow or no follow links.

You need to find blogs that have followed links to achieve the right effect with Google.

How to know if it continues or not?

If you know the HTML, it won’t be hard to find, just select the comment with the link and you can see the source, everything will be displayed. If you don’t know HTML code then you need to use some SEO tools to show backlink no follow. You should pay attention to the parameters of your comments. Before posting a comment, you need to make sure that your comment is on the same topic as the article, so it takes a little time to read the article and understand the content. Avoid short comments like “this is a good article” because the moderator will not allow comments like that to be posted.

If you don’t follow Google updates and your website has been affected by a new Penguin update, you need to monitor your backlinks and find some of the link building techniques that Google punishes now.

What should be avoided?

dangerous websites– Dangerous websites that have a lot of advertising in the content, these sites are already sanctioned or penalized by Google. Dangerous websites that promote spam or violence and pornography are NOT good for link building. Google checks the location to which it directs users.

paid links– All backlinks that you pay for advertising on other websites, to promote your website and target specific keywords, should be removed. Google believes that every stream of paid advertising is bad for organic search.

Spam blog comments– Blog comments with a low Page Rank without filters to eliminate spam comments will not help your website rank better in Google searches. The new Google Penguin update punishes blogs that do not have good content and have a lot of anchor text. Every blog, every website that doesn’t filter comments is a type of spam, so if you link, your website may look spammy.

You need to find and get organic backlinks. If you don’t know how to get organic backlinks and you’re not sure how not to get penalized by Google, it’s best to find a professional SEO service to take care of your SEO. Your website must have good and unique content, good content will help to rank better in Google searches for all the pages of your website.

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