Using a list of affirmations to address your personal challenges

No two people are exactly alike, however, many, in their search, to feel, fit in, adopt the goals of the group as their own. Some of these may be relevant while others may not apply correctly to what you most need to address! While there are many approaches and possibilities, indeed, using a well-formulated list of affirmations is a tried and tested approach, one that has been used in a relevant way over the years. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss some ways to create, use, and improve your personal health and well-being, through the use of a properly created one.

1. The basics: Begin by carefully considering and reflecting, in an objective and introspective way, what you feel, what you lack and/or what you need to focus on, to become a better: you! This may be related to specific issues related to self-confidence, the way you speak/articulate, body image matters, weight/diet, etc. So remember, an Affirmations List should be personal and meaningful to you, and it forces you to push the limits of your self-imposed comfort zone. Furthermore, it should be somewhat focused and limited to approximately ten positively affirmed actions etc.

2. Diet and exercise: Why do diet plans and exercise regimens fail so often? Why do people have such a hard time keeping them? If one wants to lose weight, the first step should be to consider weight loss goals. So instead of just putting them into unfocused statements, they should be phrased in a positive way. For example, one should not say, I’m going to lose weight, or something similar. Rather, one could write an affirmation, I am proud of my current weight and my body shape (please state weight as a number you are looking for, not just what it is), and eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, because it makes me feel healthier and happier.

3. Shy: Would you like to be more outgoing, but find it difficult to overcome your tendency to be shy? Knowing how you feel would make you feel better about yourself, and use affirmations as a tool along the way. For example, don’t say, I will no longer be shy. Rather, express your statement, in the present and positive, such as, I enjoy meeting people and getting to know them, because it’s interesting and makes me better informed.

Obviously, affirmations can be used in many areas of life. Choose the ones that interest you, create your list and read your affirmations, 4 or more times, per day, slowly and affirmatively! It will help your health, happiness and overall well-being!

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