Web video production

Every business strives to get new customers and make sales. It is important to have a good marketing strategy. These days, it’s worth seeing what web video production can do for your business.

We are bombarded with advertisements wherever we go. On the street, in the cinema, etc., it seems that there are no end of people who want to promote their latest products. The methods used include social media advertising, TV advertising, movie advertising. All over the world we see the same advertisements appearing and the message continues to spread.

Unfortunately, not all of us have the budgets of the big companies. They tend to make big profits and as a result can afford to have a large advertising budget to play with. How can small business compete? The answer seems to be to use web video production.

Web video production changed everything, especially the way people thought about promoting their business. Internet video production is a great way for you or your business to get your message across to the masses.

Video quickly gives you an online reputation and starts branding you. Having good video content, which search engines love, will also help with your search engine optimization and link building.

So what is the best way to use web video production and create captivating videos? Try to keep it simple to start with. You may be thinking when you start internet video marketing if you need to get expensive equipment to create web video content.

You’ll be pleased to know that you don’t need any flashy, Hollywood-style equipment to create good video content. Forget special effects and all that nonsense.

Long static text sales pages are good examples of potential video content. You can convert them to video using something like PowerPoint. This package clearly shows the production of web videos and produces excellent results.

If you don’t have the time or feel unable to handle something like web video production, outsource to someone who knows more about it.

Make the video about two minutes long. This is the ideal length if you want your web video production to have an impact. Some people have short attention spans and can get distracted to do something else if the video is too long. You can always do some web video editing later to fix things. Generally, the video should engage the viewer and offer something of value.


If you feel satisfied with your video, then it’s time to host it somewhere. The best place is YouTube because it’s free and also because it has a huge audience. It is now the second most popular search engine in the world. Imagine the traffic you could get to your website if your video is hosted on YouTube.

Since uploading and hosting your video on YouTube is free, you will surely keep your costs down here. Compare this to the cost of television advertising and you’ll see that it will be a no-brainer. Even a small business could afford to enlist the help of someone experienced in web video production.

Adding the video to your blog

If you’re using the WordPress blogging platform, it’s pretty easy to embed a YouTube video. You first need to locate your video on YouTube and click the ‘Share’ button. This will give you some code. All you need to do is copy this code.

Go back to WordPress in design mode. Locate a post you’d like the video to appear in and click the HTML tab. Find a section where you would like to place the video and then paste the code.

You may have to play around with the spacing to get it exactly where you want it. If you go back to the “Visual” tab, you will see a placeholder where you pasted the code. Save your post and then take a look at it in your browser. You should see your video in the post. You are now beginning to see the benefits of web video production.

video marketing statistics

If you have any kind of internet business then you know the importance of site statistics. If you install Google Analytics on your website, you will be able to monitor your traffic in various ways and adjust your marketing accordingly.

You need to know how many visitors you get and which of your sites gets the most. If one site seems to be doing better than the others, then it may be time to adjust your internet marketing strategy and perhaps see how you could improve your web video production strategy.

YouTube has its own statistics monitoring area. It will show you a map of the world and you will see the regions that are giving you traffic. It will also show you what keywords people are using to find your videos.

When you upload your video, you can set whether or not you want people to comment or rate your video. It’s a good idea to allow comments only if you approve of them because sometimes people post nasty or negative things. When you’re working on web video production, you don’t want any negativity in your content as it can have a detrimental effect.

If you put your video on your blog or website, check the before and after stat counter. Chances are your page will get more views after the video has passed there. Checking stats regularly should always be an important part of any internet video marketing you do.

If you find that your video isn’t getting many views, you may have chosen the wrong keyword to target instead of the video quality not being up to par. To use web video production effectively, you need to determine what makes your video work and what doesn’t.

If you’ve created a really great video, YouTube will reward you by featuring it in the most popular section. This will get more and more views; of which many visitors will probably also visit your website. Please note that visitors do not necessarily mean customers or sales.

Think about sharing your video on things like Twitter and Facebook. This gives you a whole new audience and represents massive traffic for you. Social media and web video production go well together and you should definitely give this a try.


Even if you use web video production to simply turn your articles or sales pages into online video content, you still make huge profits in conversions. This has to be better than conventional advertising.

Once you start using video marketing to promote your business, you may see an increase in subscribers and sales.

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