What if my father touches me, my brother is hairy and I have soft skin?

Why does it bother you,

as you know it has never stopped

him before

Personal preferences are relative,

So why should we always explain it to you?

If you are not the first on their list,

it’s something a good boy

must be willing to accept

Give him what he really wants

of course you’ve done it again, over and over again

Be patient and obedient like everyone

You must be willing to please, see what others have done.

and consider the answer on his face, a subtle smile will indicate a desire to bring

every home, enthusiasm and disposition are the sign of a little devotee

Put aside your worry, as soft skin can be a lovely thing, wind it up,

make it tremble because there are fine sensations, moments of joy and ecstasy,

blind faith, bliss, bliss, certain joy, delight, exuberance, fine expression

in the softness of supple skin, do your best to keep it supple and finely carved,

handsome, exquisite handsome, fit to be had, blush, sensitive to touch, not rough,

fighting like a saber cutting like a knife so as you can see there are so many ways

To use what you’ve been given, stand up straight, take a deep breath, let it all in

Be eager to take whatever rewards you may have hidden up your sleeve, eventually you will learn a lot more about it, in due time it is possible to become the one you usually want to have, use it for your own benefit, this contest will be one the day it is yours, is in the pleasure of the sequence for a day everything will be known

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