24, 1,440, 86,400, 31,536,000 – What do these numbers have in common?

Imagine for a moment that Mr. Donald Trump came to you and told you that every day at midnight he was going to deposit $86,400.00.00 into your bank account. That’s $31,536,000.00 in one year. Now the money is all yours and you can spend it however you want, but there is a catch (not always there is). You must spend all the money in the 24-hour period. Nothing can be taken the next day, everything must be spent; down to the last penny.

Here is my question. How many ways could you think of to spend that money? How creative do you think you can be? Would you still be a couch potato or would you reprioritize your day to make the most of all that money?

Well, what $86,400.00 represents is really all the seconds you and I have allotted each day. We can never get one of those seconds back, and we can’t transfer those seconds to the next day. Think about this every time you say to yourself, Oh, I’ll just watch this show and then get to work or do it tomorrow, etc.

Time is a precious commodity. So the next time you tell yourself “there just isn’t enough time in the day.” Well, the truth is that there are 86,400 seconds to be exact. How are you spending those precious seconds? Learn to make the most of it. How do we do that? Well here are some to think about

· Keep a “To Do List”. You’ll find out how much more you get done each day if you stay focused on your goals for the day; and don’t let anything distract you.

· Think of time as money and budget it like you would a bank account.

When you run errands, make a map of the stores or places you need to visit. Then try to visit those places in a kind of circular or square trip. That way, you won’t go back to a place you were already.

· TiVo or similar technology. It records all of your programs, and then when it comes time to sort and fold laundry or some other similar task, you can do both at the same time.

Well, I hope I have at least made you think about it. Remember, we can never take back yesterday and tomorrow will become your today. Make the most of it.

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