25 Random Plumbing Tips

1.) When your pipes hit while turning on the water, it’s time to add straps and protect the pipes with a layer of rubber.

2.) If you are going to anchor a pipe, be sure to allow room for expansion.

3.) Do not use galvanized straps on copper pipe.

4.) During cold spells, be sure to keep your faucets dripping. This will prevent the pipes from freezing.

5.) Aim a heat lamp at exposed pipes during the cold season.

6.) Wrap uninsulated pipes with newspaper or form. This is another proactive measure to combat frozen pipes.

7.) If a pipe freezes, turn off the water at the main valve. Then run water from the nearest faucet into the frozen pipe to thaw.

8.) If your shower head is leaking where it meets your arm, you may need to replace a washer. You can do this by loosening the collar with a
tape wrapped rib joint pliers.

9.) If you feel like your shower water pressure is constantly dropping, then it may be time to clean your head. This can be done by submerging the head
in a CLR solution.

10.) If your toilet is noisy, it may be due to restricted water flow or a faulty ball valve assembly. This can be fixed by replacing the entire ball valve assembly or by greasing the trigger lever. Before doing this, be sure to adjust the shutoff valve first. Also, be sure to turn off the water at the fixture’s shutoff valve, and then flush the toilet into an empty tank. Sponge off any remaining water.

11.) If your toilet won’t stop flushing, the float arm may not be high enough. To remedy this, you will need to bend the float arm down or away from the tank wall.

12.) If the problem is not the n. #11, check if you have a floating ball filled with water. If this is the case, then it’s time to replace the ball.

13.) Eliminate drafts in crawl spaces to prevent pipes from freezing.

14.) Repair broken and cracked windows and doors to prevent pipes from freezing.

15.) Insulate exterior walls to prevent pipes from freezing.

16.) Disconnect outside water hoses, this also prevents pipes from freezing.

17.) If you can’t unfreeze your pipes, don’t force it. Instead, call a licensed plumber.

18.) Don’t use galvanized steel for your plumbing. Galvanized steel can suffer from corrosion. Copper plumbing is your best bet.

19.) Get a copy of the Uniform Plumbing Code to make sure your plumbing is up to par.

20.) Get your own professional pipe cutters, reciprocating saw blades, hacksaw blades, and a plastic pipe saw. Do it right or expect problems in the future.

21.) Use caulking in all gaps and joints.

22.) Tighten everything, but not too much.

23.) Always test your plumbing for leaks before you finish anything.

24.) If your hot water pipe is rusty or discolored it:

a.) Drain the tank.
b.) Remove the items, soak them in vinegar, and then scrape off the scale.
c.) Have a plumber replace the pipes.

25.) If you have a clogged sink, do the following:

a.) Turn off any faucet or appliance that drains into the drain.
b.) Use a plunger or snake to unclog.
c.) Do not use chemicals in the drain if it is COMPLETELY clogged.

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