Become a tantric sex temptress

In tantric sex, spirituality and being open to experimentation on the part of both are good things. Expect to use all of your senses when experimenting with Tantra sex. Begin by creating a sensual environment for love, filling the bedroom with the scent of jasmine, rose, or sandalwood. Then look deeply into each other’s eyes, concentrating on breathing and developing intimacy before moving on to the pleasurable sense of touch. Caress each other, using different means of contact such as lips, tongue, fingers and other parts of the body, so that you become familiar with your partner’s whole.

Remember that it is about warming both of you. It’s okay to teeter at the point of no return, but then cool your jets. Doing this over and over again will help you connect sexually with your partner, but the payoff is well worth it, “it’s like taking an energy bath. You’re more radiant, you feel it, and you exude it in everything you do.”

Just breathe

Sit facing each other and begin creating an energy circuit with your partner, placing your lover’s right palm over your left, and imagine that you are magically exchanging energy as you inhale, sharing it as you exhale. Deep, strong breathing with your partner makes you feel relaxed, sensitive, and emotionally open to your partner. It can also ignite a current of vibrations through the body’s energy centers, or chakras, somewhat like an electrical current.

Your chakras run from the base of your spine to your forehead and are said to increase sexual energy, prolonging your pleasure. Become one with his partner by merging your bodies tightly, with both sitting upright and the woman straddling him. This is the classic Tantra sexual position known as Yab-Yum.

Focus on your nearness and synchronize your breathing. As you channel your energy back and forth between you, visualize your chakras unfurling like the petals of a flower. Make sure you know every last sensation.

It’s not just about sex

Despite its erotic appeal, tantric sex purists and tantric sexual practices are simply a gateway to philosophical teaching that transcends the bedroom to a sacred place. Those who consider Tantra sex solely for the sexual benefits do not reap its greatest reward, the benefit of incorporating the philosophy of Tantra sex into your everyday life is that you can extend your ecstasy to all hours of the day.

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