Can some symptoms of menopause benefit from Omega 7?

There are currently approximately 50 million menopausal women in the United States, and according to the NAMS (North American Menopause Society), approximately 2 million additional women per year will reach menopause.

Menopause is not a disease but a natural event in women’s lives as they age. The hormones estrogen and progesterone regulate menstrual cycles and keep the body fertile. As the aging process progresses, typically in women over the age of 30, the release of hormones begins to decline. The degeneration of these hormones becomes more evident after the age of 40. When menstruation stops completely, a woman is in menopause. This usually occurs around age 50, however, for women who have had multiple cancer treatments or a hysterectomy, the age of onset of menopause can be much earlier.

Symptoms of menopause vary but generally include stress, hot flashes, sleep disturbances, thinning hair, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. Most symptoms are temporary, however some remain in the years after menopause, including vaginal dryness.

In a recent study conducted by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Turku, Finland, sea buckthorn oil was found to be a natural and effective solution to support healthy mucous membranes, including where vaginal dryness occurs , the urogenital tract. Additional health benefits have been documented for other mucous membranes in the body, including the digestive, respiratory, and inner surfaces of the eyes.

The study determined that because sea buckthorn combines high levels of beneficial fatty acids, plant-derived antioxidants, vitamins, and plant sterols, it showed numerous beneficial effects of sea buckthorn oil on mucous membranes. Results were recorded, including: tissue regeneration, improved immune function, and reduced lipid peroxidation (which is responsible for the release of free radicals that cause cell damage).

Sea buckthorn oils, taken internally, contain the highest amount of Omega 7 of any known food source. It is Omega 7 which contains high levels of beneficial fatty acids, including Omegas 3, 6, 9, vitamins and antioxidants… in total more than 190 bioactive compounds.

The recommended daily dose is 250 mg. at 500mg. of Omega 7 taken internally. Sibu, LLC, a leader in premium Himalayan sea buckthorn products, will soon launch a new line of ingestible Omega 7 products called Sibu Seven. The entire line is derived from sea buckthorn fruit oils from a proprietary source and method that grows, harvests and produces the nutrient-dense fruit oil into pure ingestible products that contain no additional additives or preservatives.

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