Is ionized water the ideal water?

Awareness of heartburn and its relationship to disease in the body has increased in recent years. Detox is no longer the domain of self-confessed health freaks. Detox is a very used word in the mainstream media these days. People are following all kinds of regimens to deal with toxins in their bodies, but the truth is that the right kind of drinking water will detoxify the body very efficiently.

So if toxins are the main cause of heartburn, then it surely makes sense to naturally drink water that detoxifies the body. It’s the natural way, right? Why would anyone want to try to reduce the acidity of the body by putting alkaline water? Scientists in all fields continue to research and develop, and often the result is a man-made solution that addresses the symptoms of a problem. Let’s face it, the enormously wealthy pharmaceutical industry has made billions from treating symptoms.

Why the complexity? There is power in simplicity. The reduction of acidity is based on what works naturally, it is a) to remove toxins from the body and b) to eat things that are easily assimilated and that provide alkalinity to the body.

The first is done with unsaturated water, water that has the ability to detoxify. That means water that is not full of things, including minerals. Most of the minerals in the water are not available and can even be deposited in the body. The mineral water industry is a very profitable sector and flourished with effective marketing. Your body needs water, yes, and your body needs minerals too. But you get your minerals from vegetables. They remove minerals from the inorganic form in the soil and make them available in organic form for human consumption. In fact, another great source of minerals for the body is a whole food that has been around for billions of years: “Super Blue Green Algae”.

So here are the BASICS 4 HEALTH my friends … Power Water and Super Blue Breen Algae. That is simplicity. That is power to your body.

Power Water has been described by an energy institute in Austria as comparable to a high-energy mountain water source and the Super Blue Green Algae from Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon has been described as a powerhouse of nutrients.

Well for me, this is the way to go.

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