The five closest astrological people to you

There is a currently popular theory that the five people closest to you reflect who and what you are now. The original theory was based on financial abundance. This article looks at that theory from an astrological perspective.

Currently, I am surrounded by Capricorn. My husband and three of my best friends are all Capricorns. one of my friends is a double Capricorn.

This has not always been the case…having Capricorn around me. I remember having many Geminis in my life for a period. At another time, it seemed that Taurus (Taurusi?) were everywhere.

My curiosity about this made me think about how they reflect something back to me. But what was it?

Quickly, I recalled its most predominant features. They highly value work ethic, stability and security, especially financial. They are extremely patient. Once they put their attention on something, their focus never wavers.

My Capricorns are teaching me about patience…something this double Sagittarius has never had time to learn. Along the way they are also teaching me about persistence and tenacity. And also about saving money and investing for the future, a foreign concept to me until now.

An Aquarius friend of mine is currently surrounded by Sagittarius, who are teaching her about play, fun, and spontaneity.

A Taurus friend is surrounded by Capricorn on the Sagittarius cusp. His mother, husband and son were all born on December 22. As she said, she must have wanted to learn something very bad to surround herself with people of this particular astrological sign.

Our closest friends are never the same as us. Most of the time they are quite the opposite of us. We came here to have experiences and learn from them in order to advance our evolution and our vibration. What better way than to surround ourselves with people who exemplify what we want to learn?

In this way we learn from others as we have experiences with them. We also learn from them when we observe the decisions they make and how they live their lives. We learn that there is another way of doing things than the one we have been using.

But this whole thing of having experiences and learning is not one-sided. It is not entirely for our benefit. In turn, those around us learn from us just as we learn from them.

What are the astrological signs of the five people you are closest to every day? What are you learning from them?

What are you teaching them?

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