Top 5 Beach Bars in the British Virgin Islands by Boat from St John

A Virgin Islands vacation isn’t complete without a short (or preferably long) commitment to fruity cocktails, sun, sand, exotic food, locals, and good times. Yes, we are talking about a getaway to the beach bar! For a one-of-a-kind sand bar experience, the British Virgin Islands is the place for you. These are the best beach bars in the British Virgin Islands that are conveniently accessible by boat from St. John, US Virgin Islands.

Foxy’s Tamarind Bar and Grill

Possibly the most famous bar in all of the British Virgin Islands, Foxy’s Tamarind Bar and Grill in Great Harbor is a haven for yachts and tourists alike. Aside from great food, live music and libations like Friggin ‘in da Riggin and Dread Fox, Foxy’s main draw is the owner himself, Sir Philicianno “Foxy” Callwood. Foxy, a sixth-generation native of Jost Van Dyke, is a master artist who creates an impromptu calypso or tells funny stories and jokes to his guests. The bar is also famous for the annual “New Years Eve” party, which fills the bay with partygoers and sailboats rafting from ridge to ridge.

The Soggy Dollar Bar

On one of the best stretches of sand you’ll find anywhere in the world, White Bay on Jost Van Dyke, is where you’ll find the Soggy Dollar Bar. Long before the island had electricity and paved roads, patrons who wanted to drink ashore they had to jump and swim (White Bay has no pier or marina). Wet from the bathroom, the bills in his pockets are hung on the clothesline to dry, hence the name Soggy Dollar. Even though the bar now accepts credit cards, the clothesline still remains for those who want to keep the tradition of the soggy dollar alive.

The flagship drink of the bar, the painkiller, which was born at the same time as the name of the bar, has become the main drink of the Caribbean and the unofficial drink of the British Virgin Islands.

Seddy’s One Love Bar and Grill

One Love Bar and Grill is owned and operated by Sir Foxy’s eldest son, Seddy Callwood. The bar may look like the fall of a massive tornado that swallowed up a giant patch of flotsam and shipwrecks in the ocean and spat them out at White Bay, but this is “where the magic happens”, literally. Like Foxy, Seddy is a great artist and magic is his strong suit. Yachts and day trippers from Tortola and St. John flock during peak season, but for most of the year, you can enjoy the bar to yourself. They serve fantastic Bushwackers and a menu that includes the catch of the day, chicken quesadillas, shrimp alfredo pasta and more.

Foxy’s taboo

Located on Diamond Cay on the mostly undeveloped eastern end of Jost Van Dyke, Foxy’s Taboo offers more restaurant appeal than the well-known Foxy’s in Great Harbor. It is situated in a quiet but beautiful location and has a great breeze and stunning panoramic views of White Bay and Tortola. House specialties include skewers, teriyaki grilled filet mignon, eggplant cheesecakes, and freshly baked pizzas. Best bar to visit if you are on your way to nearby Bubbly Pool.

Willy T

Willy T is one of the “must see” watering holes in all of the Virgin Islands. Anchored at Bight, Norman Island on Virgin Gorda, the bar is a 100 foot converted. steel schooner, so you have to get there by boat, and you may have to crawl through multiple boats to get on board. They serve good food, but what people come here for is an alcohol-induced party. From crazy body shots, the Shotski, their signature event involving a modified waterski containing 4 synchronized drinking shot glasses, to the upper deck dive party, where patrons jump into the water at different stages of nudity.

Soaking in favorite Virgin Islands cocktails, sinking your teeth into exotic Caribbean delicacies, and being greeted by broad smiles and excited greetings from locals and tourists, as you bask in the Caribbean sun and dip your feet into the soft talcum sand, pretty much sums up. the whole beach bar crawling adventure. Start creating your own beach bar memories with the best beach bars in the BVI.

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