FOOTBALL SHOES – How to choose them

Soccer is a game played by thousands and loved by millions. Each soccer professional chooses his cleats according to his needs and the conditions of the terrain. If the player does not use proper cleats, it can be a great disadvantage for his side because the cleats provide adequate grip and adherence to the ground. Soccer cleats are chosen based on various factors, some of them are as follows:

1. ACCORDING TO THE SURFACE OF THE PLAYGROUND– If the ground condition is uneven and not too soft, the player should use firm ground studs with 12 to 15 studs in others to maintain friction and allow flexibility. Bolts come in different shapes like tapered, blade shaped, etc. But if the ground surface is wet and muddy, the player should opt for soft surface studs, so that the grip of the ground does not restrict friction and provides sufficient traction. However, in soft surface studs, the number of studs is 6 to 7, with an ideal structure. And, for hard and rocky ground surfaces, cleats with flat cleats are preferred as they provide maximum grip for balance on the hard surface.

2. ACCORDING TO THE MATERIAL– The soccer cleats are made of various kinds of materials such as kangaroo leather, goat leather, synthetic material, mesh, etc. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Cleats made of kangaroo leather are usually preferred, as they provide great comfort to the feet and are quite durable. But they are very heavy and expensive so you can also opt for goatskin studs since they are less expensive and provide the same comfort, but they are as heavy as the previous ones. Cleats made of synthetic material are widely used because they are lightweight and cheap, but they are not suitable for all weather conditions and are not as durable as kangaroo leather cleats. Many companies have started to manufacture artificial leather cleats that have water resistant quality and durability.

3. ACCORDING TO COMFORT– Selecting the right cleat could be a challenging task as the top priority is comfort. The studs should not be too small or too wide. They should fit properly and not hurt your toes and cause blisters. Choose cleats that can balance your back and forth movements. Your cleats should have a large strike zone so that you can easily kick the ball. The insoles of the cleats must be sufficiently soft and elastic.

Four. ACCORDING TO THE BUDGET– The price of the studs varies from one company to another that offers different types of quality and material. The quality of the cleats is classified as top tier cleats, mid tier cleats, and low tier cleats. The professional soccer player chose premium cleats as they are manufactured to meet the player’s demands. They are very expensive and cost around $ 100- $ 500 depending on the manufacturing company. Mid-tier cleats are in high demand as they are available at reasonable prices and are just as durable as higher-tier cleats. Low level cleats are for beginners. They are cheap and of inferior quality.

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