How Does Botox Jawline Interact With Facial Fillers?

Botox Jawline Interact With Facial Fillers

When it comes to contouring the face, a well-defined jawline is a key feature. The chiseled look is appealing to both men and women, and helps send the message that the person is confident and strong. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with the naturally sculpted jawline of the models on magazine covers. With age, the jaw muscle weakens, and the skin around the jaw loses elasticity, making a sharply defined jawline look less pronounced. Thankfully, Botox isn’t just an anti-aging treatment, but can also be used to slim the jawline through masseter muscle reduction.

Injectable fillers can help to define the botox for jawline and give it a more sculpted appearance. They can be injected directly into the jawline using a needle or a canula to fill in lines, wrinkles, and hollow areas, giving the face more structure and definition. It’s important to find a skilled injector, who is familiar with the anatomy of the face and neck, in order to avoid complications such as restricted blood flow or vascular occlusion.

Botox is a highly effective and non-invasive treatment that can be injected directly into the jawline to help slim it. It works by blocking the nerve endings that release a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which triggers muscle contractions. When this happens, the muscles will freeze up and cannot contract, which causes them to shrink in size. This is what makes it an ideal treatment for reshaping the jawline.

How Does Botox Jawline Interact With Facial Fillers?

Typically, a practitioner will inject botulinum toxin into the masseter muscles in the jaw to relax them. This will help reduce the clenching and grinding of teeth (bruxism), which can cause the masseter muscles to over-grow and bulk up the jaw. In addition to improving facial contours, this will also alleviate pain and headaches caused by the clenching and grinding of teeth.

The results of the treatment will begin to appear within seven to ten days, and can last up to a year. It’s recommended that patients undergo six treatments spaced six weeks apart in order to achieve the best possible result. The procedure is relatively quick, and the doctor will likely apply numbing cream to the area to minimize any discomfort.

Many people are surprised to learn that they can use the same techniques and products they would get for a plastic surgery procedure to achieve a slimmer jawline. However, it’s important to find a trained and experienced injector to ensure that the results are natural-looking, and that the masseter muscles do not become paralyzed permanently. If you’re interested in slimming your jawline with Botox or another dermal filler, contact the Olansky Dermatology & Aesthetics team! We are a premier provider of dermal fillers and can offer you a variety of treatments for the face, neck, and jawline. Call us today to set up your initial consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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