Getting him to open up – How to communicate with an emotionally unavailable man

Men and women are undeniably different in a variety of ways. We learn that very early in life when we face conflicts with the guys we dated in middle and high school. Men, of all ages, tend to keep their feelings very hidden. They are not as quick to divulge what they feel and will often work hard to try to resolve any conflict they feel on their own. For men, this can be seen as a manly way of managing emotions, but for women it is not. It inevitably results in emotionally unavailable and distant men. Trying to navigate a relationship with a man like this is never an easy task. You get nervous and frustrated very easily when trying to determine exactly how your man feels about you and what is going through his mind. Relationships don’t have to be so complicated. You can get him to open up to you in a way that makes him feel safe and secure. Can you imagine having a connection with the man you love that is honest, open, and mutually satisfying? It’s definitely within your reach if you understand the key steps you need to take to help him awaken his inner core and get him to share it with you.

Understand that your man needs certain things to feel emotionally secure.

Men, in general, do not enjoy feeling vulnerable. They will do almost anything to avoid that feeling. That is why when a woman confronts a man about her deepest feelings and desires, she often withdraws from her. She will say things about not wanting to talk about it, or she loves you and what else is there to talk about. If you pressure a man to speak in a way that makes him feel bereft or cornered, she will shut down. He needs to feel emotionally safe before he can reveal his innermost feelings.

You can create a closer bond which, in turn, will make him more willing to open up. Be clear with him that he is the man for you. If you’re the kind of woman who plays games with a man in an effort to get him to fall deeper in love or proclaim his undying love, you’ll never get him to share with you. You have to be painfully honest with him about your feelings. Don’t keep talking about how much you love him. Just say in a very clear, concise, and honest way that he is the man you want and that there is no competition for his adoration in his life. In other words, you are not interested in other men. It’s just him in your eyes.

Also, it’s incredibly important that you make sure your man feels totally and unequivocally accepted by you for who he is. If you’re constantly trying to change something about him, he won’t be as willing to share something personal with you in an emotional sense. He will continually feel judged, and that is not a recipe for a happy, healthy, loving bond.

Don’t rush him to open up emotionally

One of the crucial mistakes many women make in their quest to bond emotionally with their man is pressuring him to share his feelings too soon. Men like to do things on their own schedules and that’s especially true when it comes to relationships.

If you tell him repeatedly that you think you both need to talk about your feelings, and he doesn’t open up during any of these conversations, that’s a good indicator that now is not the time to keep pushing. Let it go for a while. Focus on the fun you’re having and not where the relationship is headed.

A man is much more willing to open up emotionally if he doesn’t feel threatened or forced to do so. Many women who have been in the same position as you will tell you that when they stopped asking their man how he felt, she started sharing.

He wants to believe that the idea of ​​being more transparent comes from inside him, so he lets that happen. Take each day as it comes and give him the emotional space he needs to feel secure in his relationship with you. Once that happens, and he feels secure in your unwavering devotion to him, he’ll feel much better about showing you all of his emotional cards.

Don’t push for more than you’re giving

Once your man takes a step toward sharing more of his innermost feelings, be as understanding as you can. It is not uncommon for a woman to want to accelerate the relationship to the next phase. If you do this, you are going to risk her regressing or worse, leaving forever.

While you may feel like the relationship is at a point where you want to tell your man that you’re ready to settle down and start a life together, you may be about to tell him that you love her more than you’ve ever loved. any woman. Once she shares that, appreciate it. Don’t pressure him to be devoted to you for the rest of his life. Accept and embrace what he can give, when he can give it. If you do that, he will feel the urge to get closer and closer to you.

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