How To Seduce An Older Woman – Tame That Cougar With These Amazing Tips!

The art of seducing an older woman can be exciting and constructive. Remember that everyone will have more experiences to share. Don’t be under the mistaken impression that the tactic used to attract a younger woman will also work on older women. Quite often you will find that guys get quite nervous at the prospect of approaching a lady older than him.

Did you know that according to pop culture, a cougar is a beautiful woman who is in her forties or older? So the younger man dating an older woman is commonly called Cougar Dating and as everything has progressed in the world so has a younger man trying to seduce older women. Here are some tips you could use to get and keep a cougar.

Tip #1: Relax…and be unflappable. First of all, open a conversation naturally and easily. Say the right things to get more than one word answers from her. Treat her like she’s one in a million. Compliment her on her appearance, be extremely courteous, and make sure you pay attention to every detail. How in her dress and the way she wears her hair.

Tip #2: Stop reminding her of her age. While talking to an older woman, you should not make her feel her age. However, she does not go too far in stating that she looks like someone much younger. She will instantly know that you are faking everything. It would be better to comment on her intelligence and how well behaved she is.

Tip #3: Make the lady feel wanted. Show him that you really care. Keep in mind that they’ve been through most of this in their youth, so be careful. Older women are more independent. Let her do most of the talking and show her that you are genuinely interested in everything she has to say.

Tip #4: Get “Sensory.” He tries to seduce her by stimulating her senses; use body language to ignite her sexual desires and be attracted to you. He talks about sex with her without inhibitions and make her get rid of hers.

Be very natural in the whole thing. Gradually progress from talking about sex to the actual act and give her the feeling that she was the one who instigated it all. Give her the best moment of her life, turning your meeting with her into something really wild and exciting.

Remember that an older woman may be looking for a short-term casual relationship or something really long-lasting and may need emotional connections before she can fully fit in with you. They may be looking for flings with younger people, probably because they’ve had their share of older, more experienced relationships.

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