Hyperhidrosis and Conventional Treatments

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a medical condition in which a person sweats excessively, uncontrollably, and unpredictably. People diagnosed with this condition may sweat when the temperature is cool or even when they are at rest.

Sweating is important because it helps the body stay cool. It’s also perfectly natural in most cases, but people tend to sweat more in hot temperatures, when they’re exercising, when they’re feeling nervous, anxious, angry, embarrassed, or scared.

On the other hand, excessive sweating occurs without such triggers. People who suffer from hyperhidrosis have overactive sweat glands, which they cannot control efficiently. This uncontrollable sweating often leads to both physical and emotional discomfort.

Primary Hyperhidrosis

Being diagnosed with primary hyperhidrosis means that the hands, feet, armpits, and groin area are among the most active regions of perspiration due to the large number of sweat glands in these areas. And when excessive sweating is localized to a specific area, it is called primary hyperhidrosis or focal hyperhidrosis.

Secondary Hyperhidrosis

When sweating occurs due to another medical condition, it is diagnosed as secondary hyperhidrosis. In such cases, there are no rules or specific areas of the body affected. Sweating can occur in one area or it can be all over the body. Typical conditions that cause secondary hyperhidrosis include:

  • Cancer
  • heart disease
  • hyperthyroidism
  • Menopause
  • spinal cord injury
  • career

This condition is currently considered incurable. But over the years, researchers have discovered numerous treatments that can help and sometimes even stop excessive sweating altogether.


This is almost always the first step for anyone who suffers from excessive sweating. The science behind this says that strong antiperspirants should be able to control underarm sweating by clogging the sweat glands. But, theory is one thing, and the reality is that this method is often ineffective, can cause skin irritation and even damage clothing. The positive side is the more pleasant body odor.


This procedure is mainly used for hands and feet. The theory behind using low electrical current is that it will stop sweat from rising to the surface of the skin. The hands and/or feet are placed in a shallow pan filled with water while a current passes by. A typical session lasts 20-30 minutes and usually requires multiple sessions. Possible side effects include cracking of the skin and, rarely, blisters.


Botulinum toxin type A is often used to treat underarm sweating. The idea behind this treatment is that Botox will prevent the release of the chemical that tells the sweat glands to activate. It is proven to be effective in the underarm area if you are willing to put up with the pain of injections and flu-like symptoms during this treatment.


Medications work in a variety of ways to systematically limit sweating, which is possible by preventing stimulation of the sweat glans. They are usually prescribed for certain types of Hyperhidrosis when the treatments mentioned above cannot be applied. Anticholinergics, beta blockers, and benzodiazepines are the most common types. But the drugs aren’t for everyone, as side effects can be serious.


Often considered a last resort, surgery may be something your doctor offers you. There are several options available. Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is the most invasive option you can undergo. Other options include cutting, scraping, and sucking out localized sweat pads. It is always recommended to try other options before choosing any surgical treatment.

Of course, there is always an alternative. Visit http://www.sweatenvoy.com and learn more about proven 100% natural and holistic methods to cure hyperhidrosis permanently.

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