RFID in everyday life

Radio frequency identification. It sounds intimidating, but in reality, RFID is something that is simplifying everything we do every day.

If you work in an office and have been given a card or badge that you have to swipe through a box in the wall to give you access to the back room or your office, that’s RFID. If you work in a factory that makes cars, the parts that go into each vehicle can be labeled from the beginning, in your crate or box, all the way, and the finished product rolls off the line.

At the mall, the plastic tag they remove from that purchase before putting it in the bag? That is RFID. The tag ensures that the item stays in the store, is not lost or stolen, and helps the manager maintain proper inventory levels. Once checked out, that item is yours and you can leave the store without the embarrassing beeping of the alarm.

How to know if the hospital parking lot is full? Because there is a reader at the entrance that will tell each car how many spots are available. As? It ‘reads’ the tickets and knows how many places can be used at any given time. More people leaving means more places for you, all at the touch of a button.

We’ve all seen the meter man or woman come down the street with a handheld device with which they ‘read’ your meter. This information is instantly uploaded to your city’s main utility branch and then your bill is received. No clutter, no clutter, just a clean reading of how much power you’ve used since you were there before.

Are you going to cross an international border any time soon? RFID is also used there, as each passport is swiped through a reader and the officer is immediately informed if there is an arrest warrant. They can also know in real time how many times you’ve crossed and when, as well as any violations they should be aware of.

In short, RFID is everywhere. It’s in our grocery stores, in our hospitals and doctor’s offices, in our schools, and in our libraries. It’s great technology that helps us simplify what we would do anyway, but it simplifies our daily lives. What would we do without him?

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