Reasons to travel to Denmark

Denmark is really cool, literally. Due to its northern location, it has an average temperature of just 60 degrees Fahrenheit in August! This means that if you like to be cold, it is a good place to visit. Winters average around 32 degrees Fahrenheit in January, so the snow sticks around for a long time. Cross-country skiing is a national pastime, due in part to the long, cold winters. There’s also plenty of ski jumping if you’re into that sort of thing.

Another interesting element of Denmark’s location is the amount of sunlight it receives. In summer, the sun may rise at 4:00am and stay up until 10:00pm, while in winter, you may only see the sun from 9:00am to 5:00pm (sorry if that It’s your work schedule!).

Denmark is one of the greenest countries in the world. The Danish government has made the preservation of the environment one of the most important issues. Due to these national policies, they have some of the cleanest cities in the world and the air is fresh and crisp almost everywhere. Denmark has also offered tax breaks to families if they can generate their own electricity using wind turbines. Many people have chosen to go this route, because it not only saves them money, but it’s good for the environment. Many companies also use wind power.

Denmark is full of all kinds of interesting little towns. Of the 20 largest cities in Denmark, only six cities have a population of more than 100,000. This means that almost anywhere in the country, you can find interesting cities that will have historical value, interesting attractions, and a laid-back attitude towards visitors.

Still don’t feel like traveling to Copenhagen? The last reason to visit Denmark is simple. The people who live there are the happiest in the world. It only takes one visit to find out why. Why not give it a try on your next vacation?

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