Wii Tracker – Will you find the best deal?

A Wii Tracker is an online service that informs interested customers about the retailers that currently have Nintendo Wii consoles available. The tracker is constantly searching the internet to compile a useful list so that potential customers looking to buy a Wii can definitely know where to go to save time. Do these Wii trackers find the best deals?

Often during the holiday season, and also when certain retailers promote Wii console sales, the availability of the Wii can be quite scarce. In fact, many of us remember seeing people camping outside certain stores just to get their hands on a Wii. In cases like these, a Wii tracker is definitely a good tool for the client. But keep in mind that this is not always the best way to go for the lowest price on a Wii console.

The Wii tracker will let potential buyers know which specific retail stores have a Nintendo Wii console available at any time. But this has a downside. Many retailers, well I must say that all retailers are aware of the demand for this game console. Knowing that, retail stores tend to add games and accessories to the Wii console to create a bundle. While this may sound good initially, in the process of creating these Wii bundles the price skyrockets. So for the Wii tracker everything looks good, but for the customer a good deal is not really on the table.

Since many of these Wii bundles that the retailer typically collects cost $ 400, $ 500, and sometimes even $ 600, lower priced Wii console options are bought out very quickly. The Wii Tracker will inform you that a certain retailer has a console in stock, but because it is not included with games and accessories, it is ready for when you get there. This is not a scenario, it really happens.

Some of the online Wii trackers require a small fee for their services. Now in some cases this is a good idea. But if you’re looking for a lower-priced Wii bundle, which most popular retailers won’t offer, paying for a Wii tracker service is out of the question. So what is the best way to do it?

A Wii tracker is not the best way to travel. You, as an interested consumer, should find sites that are tracking the specific type of Wii package you are looking for. For example, I like to search for Wii bundle deals, games, and accessories. So what I do is find places where these kinds of deals are offered outside of the big box retailers.

For a great compiled list of cheap Wii bundle sales and Wii games, visit this site: Wii bundle sales [http://www.squidoo.com/wiibundlesale].

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